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Little Ricky kicks off the Holidays
Posted On: November 28th, 2011 | Posted In: News
For the second year ShakyPlanet mascot, Little Ricky, joins our holiday line of eCollectibles. ’2011 Little Ricky Holiday‘ features animation and sound. This is a limited time release so add it to your collection soon! Just visit the ShakyStore in your ShakyPlanet app and you will find right at the top of the list. If you have an iPhone, iPad, or Ipod Touch but don’t have ShakyPlanet yet, be sure to visit the iTunes store and download it!
Our Peace on Earth eCollectible brings full 3D rendered animation and music to the season. This is the first 3D rendered animation we have featured but it isn’t the last!
2011 Christmas Trees will charm you. Mr. Snowman wishes you a Happy Holiday.
Santa spends some quality time with the flight crew in 2011 Reindeer Feeding Time. This holiday eCollectible features animation and music.
It is cold outside but toasty by the Christmas tree lights. 2011 Nutcracker has subtle animation and fun music from the 1920s.
Download our latest Holiday eCollectible, 2011 Northern Elf, and you will be happy as an Elf! A Northern Elf, not a melancholy Shoe Elf!
Spin spin spin….play the dreidel game! Happy Hanukkah! 2011 Dreidel features animation and music.
Santa has some special toys for all the girls and boys on Christmas Eve.
Get your free Little Ricky Holiday eCollectible™ on ShakyPlanet® even the app is Free!
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